Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Year: 2017

Hell Week (or when your AS/400 goes belly up)

Isn’t it funny how most crises don’t arise from just one bad event happening? Most crises arise from a long history of small, seemingly good decisions which weaken what used to be a resilient system. While all of those people…

The real state of ICS security

As I sit here in blustery Boston taking a break from SecureWorld for a bit, I’m actually brought back to some of the talks given at other conferences this year. I’ve been going over some of the recent talks at…

A quick and easy master password tool

2016 has been a year full of breaches and a year full of passwords I’ve had to change.  One resolution I’ve made in 2017 is to get away from using any multi-account passwords combinations, which means I’ve got to go…