Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Year: 2023

On Sleep

Many of us face some level an anxiety over our sleep, or perceived lack of it. I’ve recently gone down a rabbit hole of sleep-related podcasts and articles. I thought I would share some of what I learned here on…

Mac HotKeys

General⌘ ~ cycles through windows of the same app⌘ + Shift + [ or ] will scroll through your tabs in most apps Finder⌘-T – New Tab⌘-K – Connect To Server Symbols

Notes from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I just finished my first re-read of Rich Dad, Poor Dad after I originally purchased the hardcover book. The new edition has updated facts and figures but closely follows the hardcover I originally read.

Synthetic Identity

We’ve heard a lot about synthetic identity fraud from a FI’s point of view. But synthetic identity can also be used to steal money from anyone. Here’s a short episode of Darknet Diaries discussing how Facebook and Google lost millions…