Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.


Apple Keyboard Symbols

I created this post just to have a reference for all the Apple keyboard symbols without resorting to searching the internet. Symbol Key ⌘ Command key ⌥ Option/Alt key ⇪ Capslock key ⇧ Shift key ⌃ Control key Fn key…

Outlook for Mac keyboard shortcuts

My most used: Shortcut Function ⌘N New item (New message in Mail, new event in Calendar view) ⌥⌘N New email ⌘R Reply ⇧⌘R Reply All ⌘J Forward E Archive ⌘D Delete ⌘Enter Send Full list of shortcuts: Microsoft Support: Keyboard…

Remapping iTerm arrow keys

I’ve struggled navigating the command line since switching to iTerm2, but Marius’s post about remapping the arrow and delete keys fixed that issue for me.