Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Posts by: Chris

Oh you sneaky bastards!

Equifax lost over 140 million customer’s personal information during a recent breach.  44% of Americans just lost control over their social security, drivers license, and credit card numbers along with their names, birth date, addresses…basically everything required to start building false…

Welcome to the new blog site!

I’ve finally gone pro!  Both my previous blogs have been migrated over to this new site running my own private domain.  The site is still in flux at the moment, but I’m hoping to grow it as time goes on.

Hell Week (or when your AS/400 goes belly up)

Isn’t it funny how most crises don’t arise from just one bad event happening? Most crises arise from a long history of small, seemingly good decisions which weaken what used to be a resilient system. While all of those people…

The real state of ICS security

As I sit here in blustery Boston taking a break from SecureWorld for a bit, I’m actually brought back to some of the talks given at other conferences this year. I’ve been going over some of the recent talks at…

A quick and easy master password tool

2016 has been a year full of breaches and a year full of passwords I’ve had to change.  One resolution I’ve made in 2017 is to get away from using any multi-account passwords combinations, which means I’ve got to go…