Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Posts by: Chris

Help Fight for The Future defend the Internet!

FFTF’s Net neutrality campaign against big media appears to be paying off – according to them.  As a collective group, we “The Internet” have fought off corporate mongers before.  Can we do it again and permanently institute fair bandwidth allocation for…

Suricata/Snorby multi-machine setup

Boredom and too many “junk” computers scattered around my home finally congealed into a small-scale IDS system.  I’ve been toying with the idea of setting up Suricata to see how it compares to Snort, but I wanted to prototype a…

Nessus can scan for ASA holes

Nessus just released a plugin to scan for the lastest Cisco ASA vulnerabilities.  I haven’t yet heard of any IDS rules for this.  I also have yet to try the plugin.

Kmart & Dairy Queen hacked!

Looks like cybercrooks planted malware on Dairy Queen and Kmart’s point of sale systems.  Kmart customers are at risk of having their cards clone, but the company assured customers no personal information was at risk.  Dairy Queen did not specify…

Preview of next Patch Tuesday

Microsoft release the advanced notification today for October 2014, which includes three critical vulnerabilities for Windows, Internet Explorer and .NET.  Other patches for Microsoft Office and MSDN will be released as well.  Brace for impact.

Recovering from losing your Ubuntu passwords

Two methods, which I’m posting here for my own sanity next time I need them: Recovery Mode Changing the Grub Linux INIT String I’ve used the init string method a few times without bothering to check the recovery console.  Hopefully…