Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Year: 2014

Reading for 10/3/14

As is the case lately, I’m far too busy to observe “f*** off Friday,” where I try to limit operational work and focus on learning something new.  Next week I hope to bring this back in play.  As usual, work…

Reading for 10/2/14

The day started with today’s SANS ISC StormCast. WSUS Reporting with Powershell & WSUS automatic E-mail reports HOWTO – I’m attempting to automate my daily processes, so getting an email from WSUS telling me who needs patches is great.  Now to find the…

Things I read today…

I know the title is rather boring, maybe I will think of something more exciting later.  I thought it might be worthwhile to share what I read in regards to information security today, and more importantly why.  We infosec professionals…

It’s been a while

It’s been a long while since I wrote a blog entry.  Frankly, I’ve just been busy focusing on other things like spending the short summer with my family and dealing with the many changes this merger has brought on me.


Hello – I’ve spun up this blog to help me better categorize the many aspects of work I do and help share my experiences without jumbling up too many topics.  I may choose to consolidate this back into my main…