Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.

Year: 2018

Uncover credit card numbers with PANHunt

It’s always good to know where random credit card numbers live on your network, even if PCI compliance isn’t a concern for you. Any unencrypted credit card information should be purged from the network to prevent accidental disclosure. I have…

Self-hosting my life

I know I’ve said I do not like pain…but I must be a massicist for moving almost everything I do into something self-hosted. Why on earth would anyone do this to themselves?

Time Management for System Administrators

This book contains a number of valueable concepts for those new to IT as well as those who have been around for a while. While the book is somewhat dated technically (circa 2005), the advice is not. Topics range from…

Moving to Jekyll

Why Jekyll? Jekyll makes sense for me. Operationally, I want a a low overhead to generating and publishing my content. I want to be able to maintain a backup copy of my site without having to setup a duplicate WordPress…

Email Security Checklist

General Pick an MTA that supports the options described below, and configure them appropriate to your situation. Leave room for exceptions as not everyone on the internet will come close to running a complaint MTA. You will always have a…