Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.


A quick and easy master password tool

2016 has been a year full of breaches and a year full of passwords I’ve had to change.  One resolution I’ve made in 2017 is to get away from using any multi-account passwords combinations, which means I’ve got to go…

Remotely changing Outlook Exchange Profiles

I’ve got a couple of remote users who report not having any new email since sometime in 2005. These guys don’t sign on to the computers all that often, so I suspect Outlook didn’t automagically change their mailbox settings when…

Deploying Java in WSUS Package Publisher

After a few failed starts getting Java to update via WSUS Package Publisher, I’ve taken one more try.  Here are the steps I used to successfully deploy Java 6 update 115.  The process should work for any Java version.

Avoid tech support scammers!

Tech support phone scams are a few years old, but still fairly common. If someone calls you claiming to be from Microsoft (or some other tech company) wanting to connect to your computer to fix something, hang up.