Unstable Path

Always take the road less traveled.


On Sleep

Many of us face some level an anxiety over our sleep, or perceived lack of it. I’ve recently gone down a rabbit hole of sleep-related podcasts and articles. I thought I would share some of what I learned here on…

Mac HotKeys

General⌘ ~ cycles through windows of the same app⌘ + Shift + [ or ] will scroll through your tabs in most apps Finder⌘-T – New Tab⌘-K – Connect To Server Symbols

Notes from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I just finished my first re-read of Rich Dad, Poor Dad after I originally purchased the hardcover book. The new edition has updated facts and figures but closely follows the hardcover I originally read.

Synthetic Identity

We’ve heard a lot about synthetic identity fraud from a FI’s point of view. But synthetic identity can also be used to steal money from anyone. Here’s a short episode of Darknet Diaries discussing how Facebook and Google lost millions…

Hectic September

This is a few weeks of notes as my life has been hectic recently. Away trip for leadership training, operational issues at work, family traveling at home so I’m Pappa Dog this week. Boredom has not been an issue yet!…

Reading/Podcast notes

[Matthijs R. Koot on Twitter: “U.S. DOD Instruction 5400.17 “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes” highlights threat of imposter accounts https://t.co/ywDNygB26o On p.20/21: (1) Reporting Fake or Imposter [..] Accounts. (2) Indications or Common Identifiers Associated w/Imposter…

Life Updates

Just when I thought life was settling down, we go and get another puppy! Little Remi brings the pack back to three. She has a big personality for a little pup, so I hope she brings some joy back to…

Listening/Reading updates

A bit behind on these due to my workload. My Ultimate Zsh and Vim Config [ July 2022 Version ] – Daniel Miessler – I finally tried both Daniel’s zsh customizations and neovim. Why didn’t I do this before now?…

The more things change…

The blog is back on WordPress. That change isn’t without a lot of irony, especially considering I’ve had to skim all of my old posts to get this completed. Life is just too busy to not prioritize my efforts. I…

Weekend Listening

Yard work in 90+ temps and 100% humidity doesn’t agree with catching up on your podcasts. At least, not with AirPods. Risky Business #672 — “Expected behaviour” is in the eye of the beholder – Risky Business – as usual,…